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World Scholar Athlete Games

In June of 1993 I went to Kingston, Rhode Island for the first ever World Scholar Athlete Games (WSAG). It was a great two-week experience: I met lots of people from all over the world, got to participate in and observe a number of wonderful activities, and played lots of soccer. Below are a few of my photos from the event. Note: the WSAG are sponsored by the Institute for International Sport.


Everyone at the Games was there for a particular activity—soccer, basketball, tennis, sailing, writing, or singing, for example. I was there for soccer, and my team, which did rather well, was made up the best players I have had the privilege of playing with. Here we have a group photo. One player—James—is missing from this picture.


One of activities was to work in groups every day or so discussing issues related to the purpose of the Games. This second photo is of the group in which I participated.